
The words of our participants, their families, and support networks are the most powerful evidence we have of what makes this program so unique and amazing.  CTRA is happy to share these stories of success and human growth with you and welcomes narratives, thoughts, experiences, and the like from all of our participants, volunteers, families, supporters, or anyone who has had their lives touched by the power of the human-equine bond.

“Brianna loves riding, it brings her so much joy and the smile on her face says it all. She has progressed so much! The individual care, attention and patience has been such a blessing. Being able to watch her blossom and show such confidence is a testament to the care and attention to each and every lesson. The quality of her lessons are and will be such a huge part in helping with all aspects of her continued life long learning journey. From the moment we drive onto the property we feel such peace. We will be forever grateful for this opportunity.” (Lisa & Brianna T, 2023)

"I cannot walk,

or run or play a game of tennis every day.

I cannot dance or ride a bike.

I'll never know what skating's like.

I'll never sail the wind or surf,

or chase a ball across the turf.

Nor climb the snow-capped peaks above,

so many thrills I'll never love.

But I can ride through forest trails,

to see the fox and rabbit tails.

And watch the geese and ducks take flight,

while leaping stags and deer take fright.

Yes, I enjoy the “Sport of Kings”,

when carried high my feet take wings.

To fly me on a pleasure course,

for I CAN mount and ride a horse."

(By John A. Davies)

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"Transitions are often difficult - even more so for kids with special needs. My son Bryan suffers from Cerebral palsy and recently we moved from the lower mainland to Vancouver Island. Once I contacted CTRA, I was given all the necessary information for registration and an assessment was made to find the right horse for Bryan. When Bryan first joined CTRA, he was not quite ready to ride a horse. However the amazing instructor and volunteers worked beautifully with Bryan and made him feel confident enough to want to try. Slowly Bryan has been able to participate in whole sessions. Bryan has gained so much confidence and physical strength from therapeutic riding. It is unmatched by anything else." (Claudia, mother of a CTRA participant)