Used Tack Shop
Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Make an appointment:
If you’d like to visit the tack store on a Saturday, Sunday or Statutory Holiday, please call 250-746-1028 or email to make an appointment.
When You Visit:
Please check in at the office BEFORE entering the store, so we know you are on site.
What Happens with Tack Donations:
Unless specified, donations are sorted by the staff and volunteers and designated to be:
-Used directly in the program
-Sold in the used tack store, or
-Re-distributed in the community via the “free store”
How to Drop-Off Donations:
This can be done during office/store hours. Please don’t drop and run, as we would like to take the time to say thank you and get the information we need in order to provide you with a tax receipt (if applicable). If you have to drop-off outside of hours, please arrange an appointment this in advance.
Featured Tack Store Items
Tack Store history
The Jane James Tack Store opened its doors in 2011. In 2016, the store was selected as a winner of the seCatalyst awards - an Island-wide, Dragon's Den style, competition recognizing exceptional social enterprises. The tack store is located at the Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association facility, on Providence Farm.
The shop is located next to the arena at CTRA. Like most charities, we rely on external funding sources to keep our services running. Each year, CTRA gratefully receives thousands of dollars worth in donated horse equipment and rider clothing. Volunteers and staff take an inventory, sort and process all equipment and price each item to prepare items for the store. It truly is a community store that is supplied by generous donations given to us by people just like you.
Come out and take a look around! You might be surprised by what we have in stock and if you cannot find what you are looking for, just wait a couple of weeks. The inventory changes often!