Miss Kitty

We think Miss Kitty joined the team in late 2015, but we are not 100% sure, as we cannot remember a time here without her. Miss Kitty originally came on as the official pest control manager, but has since expanded her role to include barn greeter, saddle pad warmer, assistant instructor, and boss of everything.

Miss Kitty is kept very busy between yelling at volunteers for scratches, schmoozing with riders, sitting in front of oncoming horses until the last possible second, and tripping up barn staff when they haven't fed her her breakfast in a timely fashion. Miss Kitty helps to foster an environment of inclusion and equality, because she screams at everyone the same, regardless of who they are. She considers herself the most under-appreciated member of the team, because only a few of the volunteers and participants bring her treats regularly.

If you don't see Miss Kitty when you are walking down the barn hallway, it is probably because she is working very hard having a cat-nap in the sun somewhere, and if you do see her, be sure to give her a pat and tell her that she is the most beautiful cat you have ever seen.